
Shanghai Dowell Group was established in May 1994, it is a comprehensive company with diversified industries including domestic and international trade, real estate development and property management, high-tech investment, finance and consulting services.

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Dowell Business

The group has several wholly owned subsidiaries and holding companies, using assets as the common link, with combined efforts, making their respective advantages complementary to each other. Centered on the company's strategic objectives to “Practice trade, strengthen real estate, and expand investment and financial services”, the company has carried out efficiently various production and operation activities.

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Dowell Honors

The group is committed to prudent management style, abiding by the law, respect the contract, with good business reputation and professional skills. In recent years it has won the "High-tech Enterprise in Shanghai", "AAA grade credit enterprise in Shanghai", "Shanghai contract and credit AAA enterprise", "Customer Satisfaction Product in Shanghai", "Shanghai Luwan District Model Company", "Harmonious Labor Relations Enterprise" and other honorary titles. In 2010, the company was also rated as "Shanghai Brand Enterprise" by Shanghai brand construction promotion committee, and its smart electricity meter products were rated as "Shanghai Brand Products".

News Center

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Dowell Plaza has undergone a comprehensive upgrade of its fire safety facilities

To ensure the safety of customers and merchants in Dowell Plaza and enhance fire emergency response capabilities, Dowell Group recently collaborated with Xingguang Equipment Mall, Laozhenghe Dyeing Factory, and a professional fire facility maintenance team to conduct a comprehensive overhaul, maintenance, and upgrade of the fire safety facilities in Dowell Plaza.

Good News: Comrade Yin Lina Has Been Recognized as an Advanced Individual for Her Commitment to "Upholding Contracts and Valuing Credibility"

On the afternoon of March 22nd, the third session of the third council meeting of the Huangpu District Enterprise Contract Credit Promotion Association was held in the conference room of the Association's new premises.

Shanghai Municipal Government's Cooperation and Exchange Office has visited our group to provide guidance

On March 19, a delegation led by Zhou Li, the Grade 2 Investigator of the Shanghai Municipal Government's Cooperation and Exchange Office, visited Shanghai Dowell Group to conduct an in-depth inspection and provide guidance on the company's development, the cooperation between Shanghai and Yunnan, and key projects.

A delegation led by the leaders of Xishan District, Kunming City visited the "Zhenhua 1958 Park" for research and guidance.

On January 26, 2024, a delegation led by Zhuang Yan, Deputy Secretary of the Xishan District Party Committee, He Jianping, Deputy District Mayor of Xishan District, Ao Jun, Secretary of the Jinbi Street Party Working Committee, Shen Fengsheng, Director of the Xishan District Culture and Tourism Bureau, and Fu Yuena, Deputy Secretary of the Jinbi Street Party Working Committee, visited the "Zhenhua 1958 Park" project of Shanghai Dowell Group for field guidance and investigation.

The Young Nation Builders and Dowell Lucun Technology Join Hands to Promote the "Nation Strengthening 2049 Transmission Project"

On December 14, 2023, Qiangguo Shaonian (Yunnan) Technology Co., Ltd. and Dowell Lucun Technology (Yunnan) Co., Ltd. signed the "Strategic Cooperation Agreement for the Construction Project of the Qiangguo 2049 Inheritance Project" in Kunming. The goal of this cooperation is to build a sustainable development partnership and jointly construct an "Patriotic Inheritance Platform."

Leaders of Gemei Group visited the "Zhenhua 1958 Park" for investigation and inspection

On November 24, 2023, a delegation led by Xu Shuguang, Chairman of Gemei Group, including He Jie, General Manager of Gemei Group's Yunnan Region, Lv Xuguang, Development Manager of Gemei Group's Yunnan Region, Shangguan Silin, Operations Director of Gemei Group's Yunnan Region, and Wang Cuiping, Operations Manager of Gemei Group's Yunnan Region, visited the "Zhenhua 1958 Park" of Shanghai Dowell Group for a project investigation and inspection.

“Kunming Undertaking The Yangtze River Delta Industrial Transfer” Cooperation Promotion Conference 2023

The wind comes from the sea, the tide surges in the Yangtze River Delta. 2023 Kunming Undertaking Yangtze River Delta Industrial Transfer Cooperation Promotion Conference was held in Shanghai International Convention Center, East Bingjiang Hotel to showcase Kunming's development and to promote Kunming's business environment at 10 O'clock on 25th October .

Dowell Plaza Property Service Image

Dowell Plaza Property Service Image

The Shanghai Dowell Group Party branch held an oath-taking ceremony for new party members

As we celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China,To further enhance the Party spirit and awareness of new Party members, the Party branch of Shanghai Dowell Group held a solemn ceremony for the new Party members to take the oath of Party membership. Recently, after being approved by the upper-level Party committee, Yin Lina, a comrade from the Administrative Management Department of the Group, was accepted as a probationary Party member of the CPC.

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